Sécra Shoes Commitment to Accessibility

We at Sécra Shoes Pty Ltd are committed to making our website's content accessible, inclusive and as user friendly as possible to everyone.

If you, or anyone you know is having difficulty viewing or navigating the content on this website, or notice any content, feature, or functionality that you believe is not fully accessible to people with disabilities, please contact our customer service team at support.us@secrashoes.com

Please be sure to include in the subject line, "Disabled Access", and provide a description of the specific feature you feel is not fully accessible or any suggestion for improvement which will make the website more accessible and user friendly. 

If you do not have access to email, please contact us via our Facebook - Secra Shoes Footwear, or Instagram - @secrashoes or by sending a direct msg with the subject line "Disabled Access".

If communicating by phone is preferred, please provide your phone number to us and request a call back. One of our friendly staff members will then be in touch, and we will do our utmost best to solve any accessibility issues you have.

It is also very important to note; we respond to every single msg that we receive, normally within a 24-48 hr time period (please allow slightly longer for peak periods), as such, if you do not receive a reply, it means that your msg has not been received, which is likely due to some form of technical error that we are not yet aware of. In this case, please ensure to contact us via Contact Us Form, Email, Facebook or Instagram as the msg should be received by one of these platforms.

We take your feedback seriously and will consider it as we evaluate ways to accommodate all of our customers and our overall accessibility policies. Whilst 3rd party vendors are not under our direct control, we strongly encourage vendors of third-party digital content to provide content that is accessible and user friendly.